Frequently Asked Questions

Miért nem magyar nyelvű az oldal?

How reliable and up-to-date are the data?

How does ELVIRA search a route?

How does ELVIRA count the time needed for a change and the time required to get to another station?

Does ELVIRA consider delay of the trains?

Why does ELVIRA count different tariffs for route offers given after a route search?

Why does not ELVIRA know the tariff of an international travel? How can I learn it in a different way?

Why does ELVIRA offer routes only through Hungary between two station outside Hungary?

Why I have to select a day when querying information about a station's trains?

ELVIRA does not recognize the entered station name. What is the reason for this?

Why do the trains have different colors? Colors are used for representing the different service levels of trains. Eg. blue is for EC/IC/ICR, red means "Express train" etc.

What do those funny little pictures mean?

If you have more question...

For international travel or tariff information please contact Hungarian State Railways at

For international travel or tariff information please contact Hungarian State Railways at

For international travel or tariff information please contact Hungarian State Railways at